Public Engines to World: Look, But Don't Touch the Crime Data

funny pictures of cats with captionsEarlier this spring, Public Engines, Inc. sued ReportSee, Inc. in federal district court in Utah.


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An Ounce of Prevention: Protecting yourself against online retaliation

Last week I discussed recent news stories highlighting the dangers of online retaliation. At worst, this form of retaliation chills speech and threatens critical reporting.

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We Love a Happy Ending...

Earlier this week, we received the good news that travel blogger extraordinaire Christopher Elliott sucessfully resolved the defamation lawsuit brought against him by Palm Coast Travel.


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No Safe Harbor Offline

Last week YouTube won a landmark victory against Viacom in NY federal court. YouTube successfully argued that it was protected from Viacom's copyright infringement claims by the "safe harbor" provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


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Free Speech Savior or Shield for Scoundrels? An Empirical Study of Intermediary Immunity Under Section 230

As many of you who read this blog know, we spend a lot of time thinking about -- and sometimes debating -- section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.


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Logging In and Lashing Out: 'Crowdsourced retaliation' presents new challenges to journalists

Critics have always run the risk of retaliation. They have not, however, always run the risk of having their personal phone number micro-blogged to over 115,000 people in a split second.

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Citizen Media Law Project, EFF, and Public Citizen Advocate First Amendment Scrutiny in Hot News Cases

The Citizen Media Law Project, EFF, and Public Citizen have jointly submitted an amicus curiae b


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Eric Robinson and Reporter Ron Sylvester Discuss Social Media in the Courtroom on Lawyer2Laywer

CMLP contributor Eric P.


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FTC's Provocative Discussion Paper on Saving Print Media

The Federal Trade Commission—which last year created guidelines to impose ethical standards on bloggers—is now taking on the ambitious task of saving the print media in the Internet era.


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Who Took Your E-book?

E-readers are spreading both in the U.S. and abroad. Last week the New York Times reported that the Kindle, previously available only on, will be sold in brick-and-mortar stores by Target. College students could grab one when they pick up their school supplies.


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T&J Towing v. Kurtz: We've Got The Court Documents

Last Monday, the New York Times ran an article about T&J Towing's lawsuit against a college student, Justin Kurtz, over a Facebook group page he started called “Kalamazoo Residents against T&J Towing.” Several other


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Illinois Court Requires Newspaper Website To Identify Pseudonymous Commenter

A mid-level appellate court in Illinois ruled on Tuesday that the publisher of a local newspaper must reveal the identity of a pseudonymous Internet commenter.  In Maxon v. Ottawa Publishing Co., 3-08-0805 (Ill. App. Ct.


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East Coast Enlightenment - Protect the Innocent


Under current U.S. copyright law (17 U.S.C. 504), the owner of a copyrighted work found to be infringed may seek "statutory damages" rather than actual damages.

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Hate Mongers and Tunnel Rats are Entitled to Free Speech, Too

It's often said that bad cases make bad law.  In the case of a decision issued by a New Jersey state court back in December, a bad case has also made for bad law commentary.


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Seventh Circuit Vacates Contempt for E-Mail Barrage

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated the summary contempt citation and sentence imposed by U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman after his court e-mail account was inundated with messages after infomercial pitchman Kevin Trudeau urged his supporters to e-mail the judge. FTC v. Trudeau, No. 10-1383, slip op. (7th Cir. May 20, 2010).


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New Legal Guide Section on Foreign Risks

It's pretty obvious that material placed on the "word wide web" is, indeed, available around the world -- at least most of it.

While the ability to make content available worldwide is a great virtue of the Internet, it has the potential to create a legal minefield for citizen journalists, who could face a civil or criminal legal action over online content in any country where the content is available.


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Out of the Lab and Into the Fray, Scientists and Science Writers Talk About the New Media Environment

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