Revised DOJ Regs Protect "Members of the News Media," But What Does That Mean?
Cyborg Journalists: How Google Glass Can Change Journalism
DMLP Announcement: New Media Credentialing Survey Launches Today
Who Gets a Press Pass?
Adding up to 105: The Charges Against Barrett Brown
Aghast at Ag-Gag Legislation: Silencing Speech for What it Reveals
Missouri Recording Law
DMLP Announcement: Video from Cambridge Community Television Event Goes Live
Who is a Journalist? Here We Go Again…
Justice Dept.'s Media Investigation Policy Falls Flat Compared to Other Protections Against Press Intrusion
"Newsgathering in Massachusetts" Guide Now Available Online!
Judge: Blogging from the Courtroom OK, Twitter Not So Much
The Journal News Fallout: Limiting the First Amendment to Protect the Second
Chicago Area Courts Ban Electronic Devices, For Some
Announcing a Guide to Reporting at the 2012 Republican and Democratic National Conventions
Guide to Reporting at the 2012 Republican and Democratic National Conventions
Recording Police Officers and Public Officials
ANNOUNCEMENT: Live Web Chats on Reporting at the RNC & DNC
Hearing on National Security Leaks Features Much Media-Bashing, Little Progress