Introducing Jillian Stonecipher!
And That's It for 2012...
A UNC Student’s Summer Experience in Media Law
ANNOUNCEMENT: The DMLP Wishes Arthur Bright Luck in His New Position!
DMLP Amicus Update: Narrow Victory in Massachusetts Anti-Counterfeiting Case
ANNOUNCEMENT: Staff Attorney Andy Sellars named the Berkman Center's Corydon B. Dunham First Amendment Fellow
DMLP files Amicus Brief Against Massachusetts's 'Anti-Counterfeiting' Law
CMLP ANNOUNCEMENT: Mass. SJC Rejects Prior Restraints and Supports Right to Stream and Archive Court Proceedings Online
CMLP ANNOUNCEMENT: Amicus Brief Filed Regarding Intersection of Trademark Law & Freedom of Speech
CMLP ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations Andy Sellars!
Welcome Andy Sellars, CMLP's New Staff Attorney
Changes Ahead for the Citizen Media Law Project
Newsgathering Law: A Guide for Reporting
Journalism That Matters: Create or Die 2
Digital Privacy and Your Smartphone
Introducing Jeff Hermes, CMLP's New Assistant Director
Citizen Media Law Project is Hiring a Staff Attorney
CMLP and Cyberlaw Clinic Ask Supreme Judicial Court to Affirm Public Right of Access to Inquest Records
Introducing Guest Blogger Joel Sage