Los Terroristas de Twitter?

Imagine you live in a country where criminal attacks on civilians are alarmingly familiar, and reliable reporting from the local media is regrettably unfamiliar.  You hear about an attack on your local school, so you take to the Internet to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter to warn people before it's too late.  Mercifully, the report you heard was mistaken, and everything's okay...


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Zen and the Constitutionality of Twitter 'Cyberstalking'

If you thought a spat between Buddhists couldn't devolve into a federal cyberstalking case of dubious constitutionality, consider the following.


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New California Law Prohibits Jurors' Social Media Use

UPDATE: Two years after the law went into effect, California's Judicial Council recommended that the statute be repealed, saying that that the possibility of criminal sanctions actually impeded courts' inquiries into improper online activity by jurors. The criminal provisions were repealed in 2014, 2014 Cal. Laws chap. 99, although civil penalties remain.


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A Victory for Recording in Public!

My apologies to Justin Silverman for bumping the second half of his excellent blog post about the BART phone blackout with this breaking news -- I urge you to read Justin's posts as well. 


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BART Phone Blackout: Did the S.F. Transit Agency Violate Free Speech Protections? Part 2

This is the second half of an analysis of the free speech issues implicated by the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)'s shutdown of mobile phone service on Aug. 11 in order to prevent scheduled protests.  The first part of the blog is available here.


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BART Phone Blackout: Did the S.F. Transit Agency Violate Free Speech Protections?

When the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) shut down cell phone service at various train platforms on Aug.


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New Survey on Public and Media Interest in Government Transparency

The CMLP's friends at the National Freedom of Information Coalition and the Media Law Resource Center have just released the results of a recent survey of citizen interest in government transparency and

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A Look at Texas's New Anti-SLAPP Law

Back in mid-June, Texas's new anti-SLAPP law finally took effect. (Since the bill passed both houses of the Texas legislature unanimously, it took effect immediately when Gov. Rick Perry signed it.) The CMLP's legal guide is updated to reflect the new statute.


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ISP Gets Identity-Seeking Subpoena Vacated

Clapping by TheGiantVermin, on Flickr From the credit-where-credit's-due department (with the requisite hat-tip to David Ardia's Twitter account):


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Cameras Roll in New Federal Court Experiment

It lacks the drama of the various flavors of "Law and Order" or the intrigue of a John Grisham novel. But the video of a July 21 hearing on the plaintiff's request for a preliminary injunction in Gauck v. Karamian, Civil No.


Subject Area: 

Newport Television, LLC v. Free Press



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Free Press

Type of Party: 

Media Company

Type of Party: 


Legal Counsel: 

Corie Wright (Policy Counsel for Free Press)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Non-profit media reform organization Free Press recently created a brief video related to its "Change the Channels" campaign, a campaign to resist what it calls the "covert consolidation" of media companies. The video included a critique of Jacksonville, Florida stations WAWS-TV (a Fox affiliate) and WTEV-TV (a CBS affiliate), who share a common website. The video was posted on YouTube.

Newport Television, LLC, a television station holding company that is the owner of WAWS-TV and the operator of WTEV-TV, sent Free Press a cease-and-desist letter on July 1, 2011, demanding that Free Press remove all WAWS and WTEV content from the video, including the stations' logos. Newport alleges that Free Press's use of the  logos constitutes copyright infringement. The letter also suggests that use of the stations' logos was false and misleading. Newport further requested that YouTube remove the Free Press video under the notice-and-takedown procedures of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. YouTube complied with this takedown request on July 7.

On July 8 Free Press responded to Newport's letter, rejecting Newport's copyright claim and its suggestion that any of the material in the video was false or misleading. Free Press further asserted that the DMCA takedown filed by Newport was without merit, constituting tortious interference with contract and a unlawful misrepresentation under the DMCA. Free Press also asserts that they have filed a DMCA counter-notice with YouTube, demanding that the video be reinstated.

The issue is still pending.


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Welcome Andy Sellars, CMLP's New Staff Attorney

I am thrilled to welcome Andy Sellars, our new Staff Attorney, to the Citizen Media Law Project, and to welcome him back to the Berkman Center for Internet & Society as an Employee Fellow.

Subject Area: 

At the Intersection of Anti-SLAPP and Anonymity

Slap! by Vermin Inc, on Flickr

Consider two cases: In Colorado, clothing company Façonnable is attempting to sue an anonymous Wikipedia editor (or, possibly, more than one; the number is sort of up in the air) over some unflattering edits to the company's Wikipedia page. But first, Façonnable has to figure out who the editors are--thus, a subpoena to the ISP allegedly attached to the editors' IP address.


Subject Area: 

Changes Ahead for the Citizen Media Law Project

On May 20, 2007, I wrote my first blog post. It also happened to be the first post on this blog. Entitled "Time to Launch," I agonized for days over what to write and struggled with the fear of putting my words out to the entire world (if you remember your first time blogging, you know exactly how I felt). Fortunately, nobody came after me with a pitchfork and I gradually learned to control that fear. I also learned that if I surrounded myself with bright and talented lawyers they would make me look good.

Subject Area: 

Façonnable USA Corp. v. John Does 1-10



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

John Doe Wikipedia Editors & ISP Skybeam, Inc.

Type of Party: 

Large Organization

Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

U.S. District Court, District of Colorado

Case Number: 

1:11-cv-00941-CMA -BNB

Legal Counsel: 

Paul Alan Levy & Michael H. Page of the Public Citizen Litigation Group, and John Seiver of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP (for Skybeam)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Settled (total)


On April 7, 2011, clothing company Façonnable filed suit in Colorado federal court against a set of John Doe defendants.  According to the complaint, around March 1, 2011, one or more anonymous individuals edited the Wikipedia entries of Façonnable and its parent company M1 Group. The edits discussed "purported" ties between M1 and Hezbollah. (A preserved copy of the Façonnable page is included among the court documents.) The complaint alleges trade libel, violations of Colorado's Consumer Protection Act (for false representations of Façonnable's goods/activities), and federal Lanham Act violations--specifically, that the Wikipedia editors falsely described Façonnable's goods/activities, constituting "acts of infringement."

Façonnable also alleges that the IP addresses of the anonymous Wikipedia editor(s) are associated with Colorado ISP Skybeam, Inc. and that on March 4, 2011, Façonnable emailed (scroll down) Skybeam requesting the identities of the anonymous editors. Skybeam declined to provide the information without a proper summons.  In response, simultaneously with the filing of the complaint, Façonnable moved for expedited discovery to subpoena Skybeam for the editors' identities.

On April 8, 2011, the case was referred to a magistrate judge, and on April 18, the magistrate granted Façonnable's motion for expedited discovery. A few days prior, Façonnable had contacted Skybeam to request that the Wikipedia editors' identifying information be preserved. Once its motion was granted, Façonnable subpoenaed Skybeam for that information; Skybeam then responded with a letter objecting to the subpoena. On April 29 Skybeam moved for a modification of the discovery order, arguing that the magistrate judge applied too lenient a standard in granting discovery by failing to account for the editors' First Amendment anonymous speech rights. Façonnable opposed the motion.

On May 24 the magistrate judge denied Skybeam's motion. Expressing concern that Façonnable would have "no ability to vindicate its rights," the magistrate held that the subpoena was a "content neutral" oversight of online speech, and thus the subpoena satisfied a "heightened sensitivity" to the editors' First Amendment rights. The magistrate ordered Skybeam to comply with the subpoena by June 3.

On June 1, Skybeam filed objections to the magistrate's decision with the district court, and moved to stay the order to comply with the subpoena. On June 2, the district court judge granted the stay. Skybeam's memo accompanying its objection expands on the First Amendment concerns in the case (and the need for strict scrutiny in deciding whether or not to enforce the subpoena), discusses the viability of Façonnable's federal Lanham Act claims, and argues for a more stringent five-step test before revealing anonymous speakers' identities.

On June 27, Façonnable filed an unopposed motion for an extension to reply to Skybeam's objections.


On July 18th, Façonnable filed a notice of voluntary dismissal with prejudice. According to news reports and subsequent court documents, the company reached a settlement with the John Doe defendant.

On July 22, Skybeam moved to vacate the magistrate judge's order to reveal the Doe identities. Skybeam argued that, although the apparent settlement had mooted the question of the propriety of the magistrate's order, Skybeam was entitled to have the order vacated to avoid setting precedent. Skybeam's motion includes some information about the possible terms of the settlement, stating that on July 11, Façonnable offered to dismiss the case, if the John Doe's attorney "would make certain representations on behalf of the Doe . . . including that Doe was not one of the plaintiff's competitors." (The actual settlement terms have not been made public.)

On July 27, the District Court Judge granted Skybeam's motion to vacate, which was unopposed.


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Threat Source: 

Blog Post

Newsgathering Law: A Guide for Reporting

I'm excited to announce the latest installment in a series of legal modules we are publishing in conjunction with Poynter's News University.

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A Tale of Two Breyers

So, the video game case came down today, Brown v. EMA. First off, a tip of the hat to SCOTUS for A) coming out the right way and declaring California's violent video games for minors ban unconstitutional and B) reaching the actual merits, rather than settling on the fairly obvious vagueness concerns.

UN Disapproves of Three Strikes Digital Executions

I am not a very big fan of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). In essence, the secret agreement looks like an attempt to institute a wide swath of changes related to intellectual property without all that pesky legislation, public comment, etc.

Second Circuit Rules: "Hot News" Claims Preempted

In a narrow, fact-bound decision, the Second Circuit today held that a group of investment firms' claims against a news-aggregation company were preempted by federal copyright law. (PDF of the opinion here.) The court stopped well short of reaching any larger 1st Amendment issues, however.


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