Journalism Skills and Principles

Whether you are just starting out with your first website or blog, or you've been publishing your work for years, it's never too late to to think about the standards and principles you want to uphold in the content that you publish. The Knight Citizen News Network sets out "the bedrock foundations of sound journalism to help citizen reporters master the fundamentals of the craft in a networked age." These five principles -- accuracy, thoroughness, fairness, transparency, and independence -- serve as useful guidelines to good journalistic practice.

That said, there are lots of other resources out there to help you educate yourself about these and other principles of good journalism. Some of these resources are listed below. Complying with these principles and following sound journalistic practice, while not fool-proof, will help minimize your exposure to legal liability in all of the areas of law covered in this guide.

The following resources will provide a good start:


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