Student Speech

Pennsylvania Student Sent to Jail For Lampooning Assistant Principal on MySpace

The Associated Press is reporting that two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers.


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Another Victory for the "Douchebags"

A federal district court in Connecticut has granted qualified immunity to the high school principal and the school district superintendent who punished a student for calling school administrators "douchebags" on her blog.  Doninger v. Niehoff, No. 3:07-cv-1129 (D. Conn. filed Jan.


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Federal Appeals Court Examines Two MySpace Student Speech Cases

The Wall Street Journal Law Blog and the Legal Intelligencer report that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals has before it two appeals testing the limits of school authority to punish student speech on the Internet.  The two cases have remarkably similar facts, but the trial courts that decided them came to completely opposite conclusions


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