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Berkman Cyberlaw Clinic, EFF, and Net Law Luminaries File Amicus Brief in Lori Drew Case
New Jersey Prosecutors Set Sights on JuicyCampus
GreatSchools, Inc. v. Maura Larkins
Highlights from the Legal Guide: Getting Your Words and Other Content Out to the World
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
Creating Effective Terms of Use and Privacy Policies
Evaluating Terms of Service
Legal Issues to Consider When Getting Online
Using a Blog-Hosting Service
Getting Your Words and Other Content Out to the World
Facebook v. Jon Swift
Some Pointers on Website Terms of Use
CNET Offers Suggestions on How to Avoid Being Sued Over Your Site

Diane Wargo sued Mario Lavandeira, also known as Perez Hilton, and 25 anonymous PerezHilton.com posters in Ohio state court after Lavandeira published an email containing homophobic slurs that Wargo sent to the blog from her work email account.
The posted version of the email included Wargo's full name, work email address, and the name of her employer. Wargo's employer fired her after it became aware of the email and received harassing emails and telephone calls. Wargo's complaint alleges that publishing her personal information violated PerezHilton.com's terms of use and privacy policy.
In the lawsuit, Wargo seeks $25 million in damages on thirteen claims, including invasion of privacy through publication of private facts, breach of contract, fraud, negligence, defamation, and both negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Wargo also seeks a preliminary injunction against Lavandeira to prevent him from publicizing her personal information on his website.
08/27/08 - Case was removed to the United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio
10/03/08 - Court granted Lavandeira's motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction and entered judgment against Wargo.