Anti-SLAPP Law in New Jersey
Anti-SLAPP Law in Michigan
Anti-SLAPP Law in Massachusetts
Anti-SLAPP Law in Indiana
Anti-SLAPP Law in Illinois
Anti-SLAPP Law in Georgia
Anti-SLAPP Law in Florida
Anti-SLAPP Law in California
State Law: SLAPPs
Georgia Community Support and Solutions v. Berryhill (Correspondence)
Georgia Community Support and Solutions v. Berryhill (Lawsuit)
Batzel v. Smith
Hammitt v. Watson
Intel v. Hamidi
Case Testing Illinois' New Anti-SLAPP Law Settles Before Court Can Clarify Reach of Citizen Participation Act
Melius v. Keiffer
Jaeger v. Okon
Higher Balance Institute v. Signs of the Times
Court Awards Perez Hilton Nearly $85,000 in Attorneys Fees in Ronsen Suit

Georgia Community Support and Solutions, Inc. (GCSS), a non-profit organization that provides assistance to disabled adults and their families, sent a cease-and-desist letter to Shirley Berryhill, a mother who made critical comments about GCSS in a web posting and in emails to employees of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Georgia Department of Human Resources. In these communications, Berryhill claimed that her son was receiving poor treatment and care from a GCSS-referred service. After Berryhill refused to retract and apologize for the statements she made, GCSS filed suit. See our related database entry, Georgia Community Support and Solutions, Inc. v. Berryhill (Lawsuit).