Illinois Legal Guide
Welcome to the DMLP's Illinois summary page!
This page collects information involving Illinois from across the Digital Media Law Project website. On the right you will find listings of recent legal threats and blog posts that concern Illinois residents or law. As we add new content to the site that pertains to Illinois, you will be able to find it all right here.
Many of the pages in the legal guide discuss law that is applicable in Illinois. For that reason, the Illinois specific pages are interspersed throughout the guide. You can access the Illinois pages in a number of ways.First, you can browse the legal guide section by section. You will find Illinois pages inserted in the guide at points where Illinois law diverges from the general summary of law included in the guide or where a more detailed explanation of Illinois law is warranted. The list of legal guide sections appears at the bottom of this page.
Second, you can search for Illinois specific information by going to our Search Page and limiting your keyword search to pages that are tagged with Illinois. You can also search in multiple jurisdictions or limit your search by subject area.
Third, you can click on one of the page titles listed below. Doing so will take you directly to that page in the guide.
To jump to a specific Illinois page, select one of the titles below:
State Law: Legal Protections for Anonymous Speech
State Law: Becoming a Sole Proprietor
State Law: Forming a Partnership
State Law: Forming an LLC
Nonprofit Legal Assistance Organizations by State
State Law: Forming a Corporation
State Law: Forming a Nonprofit
Insurance Exclusions for Business Pursuits
Elements of an Intrusion Claim
Statute of Limitations for Intrusion
State Law: Recording
State Law: Legal Protections for Sources and Source Material
Access to Records from State Governments
Access to State and Local Government Meetings
State Court Proceedings
State Court Records
State Law: Trade Secrets
State Law: Publication of Private Facts
State Law: Retractions
State Law: SLAPPs
State Law: Defamation
State Law: False Light
State Law: Forming an L3C
State Law: Right of Publicity
State Law: Forming a Cooperative