Copyright of “Public Facts”: Craigslist v. PadMapper [1]
Craigslist [2] was meant for the common good, or as founder Craig Newmark puts it [3],
“doing well by doing good.” At least, that has been its announced mission since it began as an email distribution among friends.
Craigslist kept its mantra through its rise to Silicon Valley stardom,
snubbing multi-million dollar buyout offers [4] and fighting attempts to monetize the site along the way.
The physical layout of Craigslist hasn’t changed much over the years. Point your browser in its direction and, like an old friend, you’ll be greeted with the same underlined blue links you’ve known for years. Fans are legion, but so too are critics: Critics see stagnation in this comfort, some of whom have taken matters into their own hands through attempts at innovation. However, as some have already discovered [5], developing tools to work around (critics would say “enhance”) Craigslist’s simple functionality can invite legal response. Is an early darling of Silicon Valley showing a decidedly uglier side, or is Craigslist still simply looking out for the common good?
This past July, Craigslist filed a lawsuit [6] in the US District Court, Northern District of California, alleging that apartment-hunting site PadMapper [7] and its data exchange partner, 3Taps [8], unlawfully repurpose Craigslist postings and therefore undermine “the integrity of local Craigslist communities, ultimately harming both Craigslist and its users.” While the complaint parallels Craigslist’s “common good” business model, 3Taps CEO Greg Kidd sees it differently. “We believe Craigslist is acting like a copyright troll,” Kidd recently told AllThingsD [9]. Kidd’s company provides PadMapper an API for data about Craigslist postings that 3Taps gathers via means it claims are not subject to Craigslist’s Terms of Use [10] and that likewise do not violate Craigslist’s copyrights.
This isn’t the first time Craigslist has claimed such violations, including several now-shuttered earlier services built on top of Craigslist’s platform. In July 2010, Newmark took to Q&A site Quora [11]to defend his company’s actions in a case similar to Padmapper’s, saying he did not take issue with sites that do not affect Craigslist’s servers. “Actually, we take issue with only services which consume a lot of bandwidth, it’s that simple,” Newmark wrote.
June 22: Craigslist sends Padmapper a cease and desist letter and blocks PadMapper from pulling CL ads (at least from doing so directly). According to CL’s complaint (filed July 20th), traffic to Padmapper immediately plummeted.
PadMapper claims not to siphon off Craigslist’s servers. Through its partnership with 3Taps, PadMapper accesses a database of Craigslist listings found and organized from search engines including Google and Bing.
July 9: Padmapper re-launches using 3Taps data.
July 20: Craigslist sues 3Taps and Padmapper. CL claims:
- Copyright infringement (for the CL site and for CL listings)
- Contributory copyright infringement (against 3Taps)
- Breach of contract (TOS)
- Trademark infringement
- Trademark dilution
- Unfair trade practices
Perhaps that’s why Craigslist is now requiring [10] users to “expressly grant and assign to Craigslist all rights” to enforce the copyright. Other sites like Yelp! and Facebook only require a non-exclusive license to their users’ content. But even if courts interpret this as a legally binding transfer of copyright to Craigslist, facts, like those in classified listings, often cannot be copyrighted. Therefore, it is possible that details such as an apartment’s price, address and number of bedrooms will not be protected.
This is of course Greg Kidd’s argument [12]. “No Terms of Use can ride roughshod over the fact that there is no copyright in facts,” Kidd says. “Padmapper’s use of exchange posting is not infringing use. It is fair use or free use … of public facts.” According to Kidd, PadMapper could just be the beginning to what could be, “a whole class of use case conflicts if this stands.” Via this interpretation, as Kidd sees it, “a [Craigslist] posting retweeted via Twitter is going to be just as problematic as one through PadMapper.”
This argument inelegantly ignores 2 obstacles under contract and copyright.
First contract law, by virtue of the binding nature of Craiglist’s TOU as a contract. So, as Craigslist notes in its complaint:
[3Taps and Padmapper] regularly accessed the CL website and affirmatively accepted and agreed to the [TOU] to, among other things, test, design, and/or use the software that allows Defendants to provide their services. Likewise … Defendants regularly accessed the CL website with knowledge of the [TOU] and its prohibitions against copying, aggregating, displaying, distributing, performing and derivative use of the CL website and any content posted on the CL website … and regularly access the CL website and copied, aggregated, displayed, distributed, and made derivative use of the CL website and the content posted therein.
3Taps disagrees: 3Taps cannot be bound by Craigslist’s TOU, since 3Taps never touches Craigslist’s servers to obtain the data it provides via its API. Says Kidd [13]:
The [CL] data in question is indexed by public search engines and is made available in the public domain. One does not have to belong to or even go to Craigslist to find this information on the description, price, and time of availability of a posting. The information is freely available in the public domain and is a fundamental component of transparency of supply and demand and price discovery that are the foundation of free markets.
Craigslist then says that 3Taps’ argument about not directly accessing data from Craigslist is absurd:
3Taps copies all of craigslist’s content – including time stamps and unique craigslist user ID numbers – and makes it available to third parties for use in competing websites or, for whatever other purpose they wish. On information and belief, 3Taps is obtaining this content by improperly accessing craigslist’s website and “scraping” content.
Copyright – Facts and Facts
Kidd’s “public domain” argument – challenging Craigslist’s private ownership of public “facts” – has its own problems. That’s because there are public facts and … there are public facts. For starters, what makes an apartment listing a public fact? Arguably, an apartment listing is a private piece of information uniquely created and formatted by a landlord and Craigslist: How listed, what information is listed, what pricing, etc. Perhaps not the most highly creative of copyright subject matters protected by “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression” US Copyright Act [14] (Title 17 US Code), but nonetheless protected by copyright.
No, Craigslist may not be able to protect names and addresses, but it may be able to protect Craigslist’s particular presentation of those names and addresses. And Craigslist makes this very point in its complaint, claiming that 3Taps “displays craigslist’s copyrighted content in virtually identical visual fashion to the manner in which they appear on craigslist.”
August 1: After filing its July suit, Craigslist amends its TOU, telling users they were not permitted to cross-post their sales items anywhere else on the internet:
Clicking ‘continue’ confirms that Craigslist is the exclusive licensee of this content, with the exclusive right to enforce copyrights against anyone copying, republishing, distributing, or preparing derivative works without its consent.
August 5: Craigslist instructs all general search engines to stop indexing CL postings.
August 9: CL amends its TOU [15] – again – to remove “exclusive license” language from its TOS:
Second, Craigslist may be able to rely on copyright arguments similar to those historically made by mapmakers and telephone book publishers, where the compilation of otherwise public facts is itself copyrightable. (See, for example, Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 499 US 340 (1991) [16].) This argument, where the unique presentation, design, layout, or formatting give a compiler a copyright edge, still gives scant protection to the component parts, but it can give viability to a legal claim of misappropriation.
Other Arguments – Trademark and Unfair Competition
Craigslist makes other legal arguments, including most notably trademark infringement and dilution claims and California state law unfair competition claims. These are subjects beyond the scope of the present discussion, although they do seem to raise the kinds of issues that the likes of Rockefeller Plaza in New York City deals with: Once a year, every year, the plaza is closed to public access in order to allow its owners to continue to assert their private ownership. Perhaps Craigslist, too, feels some periodic necessity to remind its users that freedom of internet use is not free.
September 24: 3Taps files answer and counterclaim [17] against CL. Counterclaims:
- Antitrust
- Unfair competition
- Interference with economic advantage
From 3Taps antitrust counterclaim complaint:
3taps is not alleging that craigslist acquired its widespread monopoly power improperly – far from it; craigslist should be applauded for bringing online classifieds into the modern age and achieving its initial dominance over various U.S. markets for the “onboarding” (i.e., the process of inputting and uploading factual content on the internet) of user-generated classified ads by those seeking a personal exchange transaction for various goods and services, including apartment rentals, jobs, personal services, general goods, and other sales.
What 3taps is complaining about is how craigslist has maintained (and continues to maintain) its monopoly power in these three related markets. Certainly, craigslist has not maintained this power by competing on the merits. Indeed, for years, craigslist has espoused the classic principles of a monopolist that believed it did not need to compete: a “strategy” of “unbranding,” “demonetizing,” and “uncompeting” —the epitome of a lethargic monopolist. And why not? As an unchallenged monopolist across these various markets, craigslist has generated revenues somewhere between $100-$300 million per year, and that’s without sinking any significant costs into research and development or innovation.
September 24: Craigslist launches [18] its own mapping capability.
Andrew Mirsky is an attorney and Principal of Mirsky & Company, PLLC [19], a law firm with particular emphasis in new media, intellectual property, technology, corporate and nonprofits. Andrew has 17 years’ experience as a business and commercial lawyer, including 5 years’ experience in company management of media and technology enterprises. Bruce Fryer [20], an intern with Mirsky & Company, PLLC [19], contributed to this post.
(This version of this post originally appeared on the website of Mirsky & Company, PLLC [19] on November 29, 2012; reprinted by kind permission of the author. Photo courtesy of Flickr user Mike Licht, [21] pursuant to Creative Commons CC BY 2.0 [22] license.)
- United States [23]
Subject Area:
- Copyright [24]
- Trademark [25]
- Terms and Conditions [26]
- User Comments or Submissions [27]